Weather in San Felipe in March 2025
The weather in San Felipe during March 2025, with its promise of warm days and cool breezes that blend to create a serene atmosphere for exploration,.
Temperature and weather San Felipe in March with temperatures and rain.
San Felipe averages a high of 77°F (25°C) in March and low as 453° F (7.8K).
A day that’s mildly cool, with a breeze providing some movement, could make for an excellent outdoor activity scenario.
Rainfall in San Felipe
March is a month with an average of 0.74 inches (18.9 mm) of rainfall on rainy days, and there are only 5 (5% chance), but don’t forget to pack your umbrella yet!
It’s more of a light mist than an intense rainstorm. September is the month with the highest amount, making it the least wet year overall.
Cloud Cover
Clear or sunny skies are a common feature of the March showers in San Felipe.
Expect to encounter bright sunshine and clear waters on around 58% of all adventures as you explore this beautiful stretch of coastline with an experienced guide for your next adventure.
March has a lot of sunny days, and when you look at other months’ weather patterns, it is notably different.
March is a time of increased daylighting in the upper month, with an average of 12 hours of daylight per night.
Sunrise commences at 06:53, with the sunset happening just after 18 hours.
For those who love sunshine and want to spend some quality time outdoors, June 19th is the longest day on record, while December 18th may be shorter due to daylight saving or other factors.
March is a period of good humidity, with an average reading of around 53%.
If you’re in search of the least humid month for rain, wind, or shine (for those who prefer latitude), April has very little moisture, while September experiences quite some heat during mid-September.
In March, there is an average wind speed of 12.9 mph (20.8 kph) on the warmer days. Feel some breeze!
August is the prevailing month with high winds, while March offers pleasant coastal breezes that make it even windier.
Spring Weather Clothing Recommendation for San Felipe
March is going to be perfect for wearing T-shirts, With an average high of 77°F (25°C) and a low of 45°F (7°C), you’ll find yourself comfortable in light clothing throughout March.
Additional Weather Information
We use historical data from the past 11 years and climate models from the MERRA-2 project by NASA, combining climate models and historical data from the past 11 years.
San Felipe experiences delightful March weather, which is marked by warm temperatures and gentle sea breezes.
The combination of mild temperatures, minimal rainfall, abundant sunshine, and gentle breezes makes for a great escape.
March in San Felipe is a time to be entertained by everyone, whether you’re planning outdoor adventures, beach parties, or just chilling out.
Visita nuestra página en español de Clima en San Felipe en Marzo